
oo lalala

About Me

There is not that much about me. I'm Just me,I like to just be with my family and my Boyfriend. I have three cats Here in Ohio and three cats at my other house in Calie >.> no I'm not Rich but i lived with my boyfriend. =D Um I'm not from Ohio I'm California. I moved around A lot. I moved to different states for awhile. But right now I'm Placed here In Ohio ^^
Name celicia Perez
Gender Female
Age 20
Location Columbus, OH
Ethnicity Hispanic
Interested in Both
Status In a relationship
Movies to many to name d
TV eh to many to name
Books manga and such like that
Quotes o___O dont have a favrit


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Registered Jan 16, 2009
Last update Jan 16, 2009

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HTML, Photoshop


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